What are lab-grown diamonds?

Lab grown diamonds are real diamonds, only their origin is different. These diamonds are created in a laboratory instead of being mined from the earth. A lab-grown diamond is more ethical and better for the environment, but otherwise identical to a natural diamond. Learn more about lab-grown diamonds.

What does 18 carat gold mean?

When we talk about 18 carat gold, we mean the percentage of pure gold used in a piece of jewellery. 18 carats contains 18/24 parts gold and 6/24 parts other metals that, among other things, determine the strength and colour of the gold alloy. For example, copper is added for rose gold and palladium for […]

Help, it’s the wrong size after all! What to do?

No worries. Make an appointment to visit our studio together with your fiancé(e) and we’ll adapt your engagement ring to fit correctly. Depending on the design, an adjustment of one to two sizes is included in the price. For more complex designs or a larger difference in ring size, a small cost will be charged. […]

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